Cáceres is a medium-sized town -100.000 inhabitants-, in the West of Spain very near Portugal.You can live very comfortable here.The university students ,a lot foreigners,mean an important proportion of the people you can meet in the streets,bars,pubs or restaurants where trying good wines is a must.We have an internationally famous restaurant, Atrio.http://restauranteatrio.com/restaurante

Our cultural life is very intense.You can visit the Centro de Artes Visuales “Helga de Alvear” where the most modern art collections from Europe can be watched .http://fundacionhelgadealvear.es.Several international events take place in Cáceres through the year like WOMAD Festival for 22 yearshttp://www.womad.org/festivals/caceres,The Holly Week declared International Tourist Interest.http://www.tusemanasanta.com,FORO SUR,a fair on Latin American Art.http://www.forosur.cc/2012/es or the Medieval Market http://www.ayto-caceres.es/ciudadania/noticias/el-mercado-medieval-de-las-tres-culturas

Its wonderful Old Town was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCOhttp://www.españaescultura.es/es/destinos/caceres.html and was described by The Guardian as “possibly the most authentically Medieval and Ranaissance city still in existence “http://www.ciudadespatrimonio.org/ciudades/index.php?cd=3

But Cáceres is also a modern place.We own one of the most innovative Surgery Centres in the world, where a lot of teachers,surgeons and vets are trained.

Jesus Uson Minimally  Invasive Surgery Centre http://www.ccmijesususon.com/en.

In the province of Caceres there are other highlights as Royal Monastery of Guadalupe or Monfragüe ,a National Park with an unique opportunity of birdwatching.http://www.parquedemonfrague.com

Easy ride through modern highways to Madrid or Seville,the Portuguese or Andalusian beaches or other World Heritage Sites like Mérida or Salamanca.